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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (English For Professional) 

During the end of my foundation it was hard for me to decide what degree should i pursue. As a student who studies English, people around me always assuming about me being a teacher or lecturer. They always assume study English is solely for becoming an educator. But, it's more than that. If you study English, TESL is not the only choice for you, you can major in linguistic field, literature and maybe English communication. I'm not interested to further my degree in TESL so i was looking for something else, other than TESL.

In that case, here i am, pursuing my degree in English for Professional, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). If you would like to major in English field but you do not want to study TESL, this is a perfect choice for you. Here are some info and tips:

What you need to know about this course:

- 3 years equivalent to 6 semesters

- This course offers you to wider opportunities in professionalism realm related to English language such as translator, proofreader, editor, journalist and so forth.

- Carry mark: 40% final exam: 60%


1. Choosing a minor subject

EFP students are usually encouraged to take foreign language as minor subject. Please choose your minor wisely. Learning foreign language might be fun but you have to put a lot of effort! If you're planning to take Mandarin you might want to seek advice from any Chinese because it's super difficult to learn the characters. Learning a language needs you to always practice and if you aren't capable to do that please consider other options because you are risking your CGPA pointer. 

Yes, you can take minor subjects from other schools. But, the challenge here is schedule arrangement. Your schedule might clash with the schedule of your minor subject. 

2. Tips to have consistent result

The tips are have cooperative groupmates. Because you'll be having lots of group assignments. Having lazy teammates may affect your mental health thus your result. Next, do focus in class. JOT DOWN NOTES. It's because EFP students are not exposed with any PAST YEAR QUESTIONS. They make past year questions very secretive. So, during exam, you have to study everything without knowing which topics to focus. 

Know and learn of each lecturer. Each lecturer has their different styles to mark your exams, quiz, assignments. They have their preferences of writing style, delivering points. Hence, it's very important to focus in class, study your lecturer's preferences, listen to what they like and dislike,

3. Dean List

For USM students, the dean list is 3.50. You'll get a certificate. But, mind you there is no award for students that get dean list every semester. During convovation, only THE BEST STUDENT will be awarded with MEDAL.

4. Exam questions

The exam questions are mostly writing essays. Usually, for each paper you have 3 hours to answer. You will have around 4 questions and each question is equivalent to 25 marks. So, you'll need to write around 4 essays for each paper. 

5. Career Opportunities

This course has wide opportunity. You can be involved in marketing, hr, teaching, editing, etc. As long as you pandai market diri you. Tapi mesti ada cons jugak. The cons is disebabkan peluang luas you kena pandai compete dengan other graduates yang lain. Contoh, kalau at the end of study you decide untuk involved in teaching, then you kena compete with TESL students. So, advice is masa intern pergi tempat yang boleh bagi teaching experience.

Sama jugak dengan bidang lain cth marketing. My friends, I jugak actively involved dengan marketing. I had my internship at Corporate Communication at Pejabat Canselori UiTM. My friend had her internship as Digital Marketer. So, more or less, you cuba cari experience during internship. 

Your schedule is going to be hectic because this course's duration is only three years therefore it is a must for you to always keep in track of your total credit hour. 

I guess that's it for now. If you have any other questions do ask me in the comment section or email me Good luck! 😊

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  1. Hyee, saya ada banyak nak tanya tentang course EFP ni. Boleh ke kalau saya nak contact awak? Melalui email pun takpe. Btw, saya student usm health campus, speech pathology hehe.

    1. I apologize for the late reply. If ada lagi you nak tanya do ask i dah complete my degree :)

  2. Thank you.
    I just recieve upu result and get place in usm for EFP. Doakan saya berjaya dlm kos ni. Takut sebenarnya.

    1. I doakan you berjaya. Kalau you nak tanya tips to score ke apa do ask me through email :)

  3. Hye syafiqaaatiqah :D
    Isit okay for someone yang tak berapa well done in english to take this course as minor?

    Saya plan nak ambil course EFP ni to improve my confidence utk speaking in english,

    N saya boleh saya tahu, final 60%, kena buat apa ? esei etc ke?

    Thank you:)

    1. Hi, I apologize sbb lambat reply. For me, kalau you nak improve confidence memang boleh sbb english is fully utilized during the course. Tapi kalau you nak option, you boleh jugak ambil elective courses mcm spoken english / public speaking. I ambil course tu srs best! If anything to ask, you can email me

  4. I am trying to get into USM
    Should I go see the Dekan now?

  5. hii, i baru dapat result upu and i dapat course ni. can i know any tips regarding this course and after graduate usually students will kerja apa ye?

    1. I have written some tips dekat another page for this course. This course gives a wide opportunity after you graduate. You can be involved in teaching, hr, marketing, administrations, editing as long as you can market yourself. And I'm telling the truth because I'm currently involved in teaching and marketing while my other friends banyak hr and others jugak.

      For more inquiries, boleh email i

  6. Hi, I have completed my diploma in early childhood education from UPSI. Currently I’m waiting to apply UPU next year. I also interested to pursue my degree in EFP at USM too. Can I know the tips to get into this program? Like my muet results, what requirements I should pass and so on.

    1. Sorry for the late response. The minimum is band 4 for muet :)

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