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What are the courses in foundation of tesl? What will you learn?

So, today i’m going to share about subjects that you will learn as a TESL student. Before i begin, i want you to know that all these information i share are based on my foundation year 2017/2018. There might be some changes for the new batch.

You will have two semester. Based on my foundation study we have 8 courses for each semester. 4 for the core and another four is for the minor courses.

The core subject : college reading , college writing , grammar I, listening and speaking
Minor: malaysian studies, computer literacy , islamic studies and college study skills

For tesl you will be given a ratio of 60:40 for carrymark and final examination.

60% for the carrymark and 40% for final exam.
Remember guys carrymark is on-going mark. That means , carrymark includes your test, assignment and so forth. Since carrymark brings bigger percentage than final exam, make sure you don’t take your assignment and test lightly. Always be aware of your on going mark. If not, nangisla kau nak jawab final exam.

As for my personal opinion, semester 2 is more challenging than sem 1 because you will have a really packed schedule.

For semester 2
Core subjects are basically the same
 But for the minor: islamic studies , education studies, drama and language , literature

These are some tips for you guys.

You are no longer a high school student in foundation , you are no longer required to write a long essay using bombastic words and all that. You will be practicing to write an academic writing , a short essay but has good points. English that you learn in school is different. So please don’t assume foundation tesl is an easy path. But if you are used to english language, there might be some advantages for you.

If there is any changes made , pls do share. I would like to know ❤️❤️


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