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Showing posts from July, 2022

Apa yang you belajar English for Professional (USM)?

 Apa yang you belajar English for Professional (USM)? Mainly linguistics.   Linguistics is  the systematic study of the structure and evolution of human language , and it is applicable to every aspect of human endeavor. Bahasa senang : Kalau medic ada study anatomy of body right? So, kalau linguistics kita boleh faham as anatomy of language. You dah tak masuk writing, speaking ke semua basic skills ni boleh ambil as elective je you belajar mendalam lagi. Contoh terms you boleh search untuk you faham linguistics: Syntax, Morphology, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics, Interlanguage. Selain linguistic you akan belajar , history of language, languages of the world. Function untuk kita faham English banyak influence perkataan mana, populasi speakers of languages and culture and language relationship and etc. Tapi yang paling best bila you masuk semester 4 ke atas you dah masuk application rather theories sahaja. Contoh, you akan blaja public relations & marke

What you should do as USM student?

What you should do as USM student? Hi, it's been a while. Straight to the topic today. I want to tell all the future USM students what you should do until graduate? p/s: might apply if you stay at the MAIN CAMPUS USM, Pulau Pinang Gelugor. USM students have a strong passion for entrepreneurship. In USM, there are MANY MANY EVENTS happen weekly and what's the best about it? The students organize most part of the events. Take this opportunity. Involve yourself because trust me, all the skills and experience are expensive in your resume. Juggling studies and clubs activities is not easy but it's worth the pain. You'll have more connections and can develop your self-growth. So, that's tip #1 - Be active, join clubs or organizations Now, please go to all cafes and stalls in USM. Some cafes at other college dorms have tasty foods. Some cafes are hidden like cafe that is near to the MINDEN gate so make sure you aware of that. Taste all while you are still being a USM stude