Apa yang you belajar English for Professional (USM)?
Mainly linguistics. Linguistics is the systematic study of the structure and evolution of human language, and it is applicable to every aspect of human endeavor.
Bahasa senang: Kalau medic ada study anatomy of body right? So, kalau linguistics kita boleh faham as anatomy of language. You dah tak masuk writing, speaking ke semua basic skills ni boleh ambil as elective je you belajar mendalam lagi.
Contoh terms you boleh search untuk you faham linguistics: Syntax, Morphology, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics, Interlanguage.
Selain linguistic you akan belajar, history of language, languages of the world. Function untuk kita faham English banyak influence perkataan mana, populasi speakers of languages and culture and language relationship and etc.
Tapi yang paling best bila you masuk semester 4 ke atas you dah masuk application rather theories sahaja. Contoh, you akan blaja public relations & marketing, English for law, English for media dan sebagainya. Best kenapa? Sebab you boleh nampak you apply theories yang you dah belajar from previous semesters.
Dalam EFP, you akan ada dua kali internship. First at the end of sem 2 which sekejap je around 2 weeks, and the second one at the end of semester 3 around 3 months. Internship EFP agak flexible sebab you boleh masuk mana-2 bidang (teaching/marketing/editor/corporate/etc.). Apa yang tak best is intern dia hanya 3 bulan dan pertengahan semester which kita tak boleh di absorb terus. I'm going to share more apa tips for INTERN yang I WISH I KNEW EARLIER.
For any inquiries, you can email me at syafiqasihar@gmail.com.
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